Tuesday, July 3, 2012

A new Beginning : Coupon's

Just the Beginning
thank you for stopping by today, our blog has a new name and a new personality. I am a recently new to being a stay at home wife while trying to get my business up and running. Since we plan on me staying home with our children (we don't yet have) and homeschooling when time comes, i should probably learn all the up's, down's, and chores to keeping a tidy, healthy, happy home.
Since, i have taken a new position of staying at home, we need to learn to cut some spending down a little bit, since we plan on starting a family in the very near future {shh...we're trying}. I have read, seen on TV, and heard about all of these amazing stay at home moms that are super talented at saving money and some saving as much as their husbands bring home, by coupon clipping. So this marks the beginning of my journey. I have done a little research already and have compiled a few of my favorite coupon sites here to share with you. Have at them, and let me know how you like them, or if you have any that you'd like to share with us! 

Common Kindness
Save Money & Help Others at the same time..love this couponing site :)
this online coupon clipping site, lets you clip coupons. And overtime you use a coupon, they provide funds to support your favorite charities and causes..WIN/WIN .. check them out by clicking the link below

All You 
Enjoy life for less

Health E Savers 

Hot Coupon World 

Healthy Life Deals
A blog that I was inspired by!
This lady's even in my town, so the stores are the same as I shop at. Although, she has covered all areas of the country (super smart lady)
 She's my new hero :)
Click the link below to check out her amazing blog.
Find the best coupons, freebies, and deals to live a whole foods healthy life

Also, I have been going through my home, and checking out the brands I use on their website or facebook. By subscribing or liking their pages you can get FREE samples, coupons, or discounts. It was super worth my while. Especially, on kitty litter (we use Swheat Scoops) and dog food/treats (are doggy's eat Nutro). 

My next post will be about making my own organic products. To stay healthy, and save money.

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