Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Chicken & Apple Salad SALAD

Serves 1

8-12 leaves Spinach - honestly I just grab what looks good.
1/4 Cucumber
1/3 Apple
1 tbsp Mayo
1 tsp Honey Mustard
.5 tbsp Pickle Relish
2 oz Shredded Chicken Breast
1 tbsp White Onion

Combine chopped apple, onion, and shredded chicken in bowl. Add mayo, relish, and mustard to the same bowl and combine until evenly coated. Set aside.
Start plate with a handful of spinach. Cut cucumber and arrange onto spinach bed. Then place chicken salad on top and enjoy. 

Sometimes I like to add a pinch of ground black or red pepper over everything at the end. 

Nutritional Facts:
(Per Serving)

Calories: 211
Fat: 9
Carbs: 15
Protein: 17
Iron: 22
Calcium: 14

Serve with a slice of Ezekial bread to bump it up to 300 calories. Lunch on, friends :)

Tomorrow's Lunch is Strackeljahn Tuna Salad SALAD. See you tomorrow folks...

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