Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Holistic Homemade Shampoo

I have been using non sulfate shampoo's for nine years now. I learned a lot about the chemicals in our shampoo's when I attended Cosmetology School and became a Hairdresser in 2005. The longer I worked in the industry the more I learned about the damage our products, tools, and environment have on our hair. I am no longer in the industry but still continue growing my knowledge on chemicals in our products in our home. Two years ago I was introduced to Young Living through a friend of mine. Since then I have learned more about what natural oils can do for you and how to add them to everyday life. these oils literally have changed my life. This shampoo has a few of those oils added. Clearly you don't have to use Young Living  but definitely check your essential oils before you use them in this recipe. Many people don't realize because their oils were purchased in a health food or hobby store that they are not completely what they think they are. If your bottle says it is not to be ingested, then you will want to find some new essential oils that are. Those other oils to not have the natural benefits as the ones that are 100% all natural essential oils.

Holistic Homemade Recipe

for normal to oily scalp

  • 2 Chamomile tea bags or 1/2 tbsp loose
  • 2 cups of water
  • 3 tbsp grated castile soap ( I found mine at Trader Joes )
  • 1 tbsp liquid glycerin ( i found mine at Hobby Lobby )
  • 5 drops of essential oil of your choice ( I choose: 1 purification, 2 peppermint, 2 lemon )
Boil water, when it comes to boil pour into glass bowl (one that is microwave or oven tempered). Add chamomile and steep until it starts to cool about 10-15 minutes. Add in castile soap, glycerin, and oils. Let castile soften before stirring. Funnel into bottle. I suggest using used Olive Oils Glass bottles, however if you don't want glass in your shower chose a bottle with thick plastic. Some oils such as lemon will break down plastic. It's why lemon is so good to drink, it removes petrochemicals and nasty stuff off of our intestines. Helps with digestion. Just an FYI. The reason I choose Lemon is because it helps balance the pH in the skin, especially good for oily hair. I choose Peppermint because it is refreshing and healing, I have eczema on my scalp ( even know it's also oily, stupid scalp ). Lastly, I choose purification because it's great for healing skin such as scraps, burns, scabs, bites. Enjoy your new shampoo and let me know how you like it.

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