This Juice right here started it all!
Well really, it was my kids fault. My little guy asked me for a drink of apple juice. Who knew it was going to turn into a recipe frenzy. I headed into the kitchen around 3 and started juicing some fresh apples I had left from Picking a few weeks ago! We had just visited the Cranberry Farms here in Wisconsin this past weekend while my In-Laws were passing through on their 40th Anniversary Vacation through Michigan and Wisconsin. My hubby purchased me 25lbs of fresh ones from Glacial Lake Cranberry Farm in Cranmoor. I had to put them to good use.
I juiced separately:
11 cups of Cranberries
5 apples
I added the cranberry juice to the apple juice until I liked the desired taste and set the rest of the cranberry juice in the fridge in a sealed container.
Now what to do with all that pulp, because if you know me at all. I do not waste anything! So within a few seconds I was brainstorming.
First. I strained the now cranapple juice and there was a thin pulp, exactly the consistency of apple!!!! I used it. I chopped up half of a pear my child didn't finish and added it to the fresh applesauce. It doesn't look very appealing but I assure you, it was delicious.
Next, I thought some cookies sounded good. I've been in a dehydrating mood again lately and this was perfect. I made two batches. One small batch I added a banana and chia seeds then tossed them in the oven for my kid. It made my whole apartment (did i mention we are moving into our new house friday, whoohoo!) smell like spiced apples. Pretty much it felt like Christmas in here, amazing. I took the second larger batch added some dates and spread them onto my dehydrator sheets for Raw Cookies. Have I mentioned before I really like to keep all the nutrients in my food intact, so they are bioavailable and give my body what it needs to heal itself at a cellular level. Living Foods is where it's at, baby!!!!
The next small batch I added another tablespoon of Chia Seeds and set it in the fridge to gelatinize and form into a tasty Fruity Jello. It also does not appeal to like anyone in this horrible iPhone photo but... I promise this was also amazeballs.
I also had a little leftover of what I used for the cookies that I set aside for tomorrow night for topping my Banana Nicecream with. But until then, here's my finished Baked Cookies. Then dehydrated ones are still in the oven. I admit, my child didn't think they were delightful looking enough to eat. So i indulged myself and they are so good! I was pretty proud of myself. Especially, since I flipped them over about a hundred times. I'm super inpatient when it comes to baking (which I never do, for that exact reason). Overall I would make them again for my husband ( I won't need to taste test next time ).
Lastly, but not least in any way shape or form. This salad!
Kale, spinach, avocado, pomegranate, beet, cranberry, kiwi, and the rest of the pulp mixed together was an incredible salad. I sprinkled some fresh lemon juice, but I'm sure with a raspberry vinaigrette, honey mustard, or olive oil dressing it would be just as great.
I guess technically thats 8 recipes in total including the Nicecream!
So I'd say I was in a lets eat everything in the kitchen kind of mood. Yet, it was all healthy. So it won't stick to my butt in any way :)
What recipe would you try here????
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