Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Carrot Cake Shake

I was asked months ago to create a Carrot Cake Shake, I finally figured one out! I was pretty proud of myself. This was so good, and my 19 month old son, did not share very much of my shake with me, haha! You can always leave out the water and add replace it with almond milk or vanilla almond milk instead to make it extra tasty! I hope you enjoy it!

I love my Plant Protein Shakes for Lunch, I'm a liquid and fast meal kind of girl for Lunch otherwise I will starve myself and then binge out later....so....it solves my dilemma and I've now lost 60lbs since starting Juice Plus Capsules and Shakes combined. This is not a weight loss program at all but it has balanced out my thyroid and hormone issues and I've finally been able to lose the weight and workout again after years of immobility! Game changer!

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