Tuesday, January 20, 2015

One Juice made into 3 Meals

Hello Everyone! Meet Grouchy, our crazy little rabbit friend. I'm so excited to have a fellow herbivore in the house. He loves it too! I made this delicious carrot juice for Breakfast Sunday morning, used it to make a Carrot Cake Shake {click here for recipe} for Lunch, the pulp for Carrot Meat Tacos for Dinner, and still had plenty to share the Pulp with Grouchy. He was a very happy Rabbit! Plus I'm pretty sure he enjoyed my Juice as well. What do you think? Look how orange that Juice is, I didn't even have to add anything, it was so sweet! Not typical of carrots of course. I guess I just got lucky that day. Do you have any meals that you use throughout the entire day or for multiple meals??? Would anyone like to know the other carrot recipes I created, they are of course tasty too!

What do you think of our little critter friend?

He is by far the most energetic, friendly, and smart rabbit we have ever owned.

Our new friend really belongs to my son Cole as a gift from my sister Jennifer for Christmas. however, we bonded! #theherbivoreinus

This juice was created with the juice from 18 carrots, if you like a sweeter juice I sometimes will add pineapple or apples to sweeten it naturally. ohh...or some cranberry juice! I love cranberries and carrots together. You can always add some Coconut Rum if you'd like. For evenings of course :)

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