Sunday, January 11, 2015

My first Juice Recipe >>> Lean Mean Green Juice

Oh..My..Gosh!!! My mom bought me a Omega Vert 350 Juicer! You heard me, yes, one of those awesome, but so expensive I never thought I'd buy it for years! Yup, she got me one of those for Christmas..all i asked for was a new wooden brush and comb! lol! I've been reading all the info and collecting recipes for weeks now since I got it and haven't had a chance to break it out of the box. This Morning, I DID IT!!!! I just started putting what sounded good in the juicer and was actually pretty awesome tasting! I have heard stories and stories of finding great recipes because most people don't like the taste. Especially of the green I'm sharing this recipe because I loved it, first try!!! I'm pretty proud of myself if you can't tell. And i didn't even share it, not even a little bit!

First of all, I cut everything up really quickly and started juicing right away... i was in awe! I'm so excited to continue using this amazing juicer for more and more yumminess in the know, like for lunch!

The best part of this was, I had no left overs. Besides the core of the apples. Our little Bunny, also a Christmas gift to Cole from his aunt Nana ( my little sister ). I made sure all the ingredients I used were bunny friendly and was able to feed him the pulp. Bonus!!!!! No waste! This little bunnies name is Grouchy and he was be featured here on the blog soon. He kinda my new best bud, since we eat the same diet an all.

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